Inches to Points to Picas
Conversion Chart

12 Points = 1 Pica
6 Picas = 1 Inch
72 Points = 1 inch

Inches Picas Points
1/16" 0p4.5 4.5 pt
1/8" 0p9 9.0 pt
3/16" 1p1.5 13.5 pt
1/4" 1p6 18.0 pt
5/16" 1p10.5 22.5 pt
3/8" 2p3 27.0 pt
7/16" 2p7.5 31.5 pt
1/2" 3p0 36.0 pt
9/16" 3p4.5 40.5 pt
5/8" 3p9 45 pt
11/16" 4p1.5 49.5 pt
3/4" 4p6 54 pt
13/16" 4p10.5 58.5 pt
7/8" 5p3 63 pt
15/16" 5p7.5 67.5 pt
1" 6p0 72 pt
2" 12p0 144 pt
3" 18p0 216 pt
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