I’m quite certain that at some point or another all of us have said, “Your price is too high.”

What does that mean exactly? Do people say this because it’s really more than they can afford to spend at the time? Maybe the price is for a service or product that surpasses our needs. Regardless of the reasons for claiming that a price is too high, I think we need to ask ourselves what we are trying to accomplish with each purchase we make.

When I was young, I didn’t think I could afford a good car, so I spent a lot of time and money visiting different mechanics, always looking for a price that wasn’t too high. Years later I received a referral for a mechanic in my home town named Ron. He was not the cheapest mechanic, but I soon learned that he offered me the best service for my money. Ron is honest, he gets my car fixed when he says he will, and when he returns the car to me, it runs well, and the problems are fixed. If on some rare occasion the car doesn’t work as I expected it to, he makes it right.

I know I could find this mechanic work for less somewhere, but why would I visit someone else when he does the job well, in a timely manner? In the long run, I spend less money taking my car to Ron. He does the job right, and I don’t have to make frequent trips to the mechanic shop.

So the next time you find yourself uttering the phrase, “Your price is too high,” ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I getting what I want when I need it?
  • Am I getting the product or service that makes me or my company look and feel good?
  • Am I getting great service that meets or exceeds my demands?
  • Does this service give me the peace in knowing that I will be taken care of?

With certain products and services, a higher price reflects greater value. Whether it’s printing, marketing and public relations or even event planning, our first concern at Alexander’s is helping you succeed in your business objectives. When a client comes to us with a need, they can feel confidence that we will help them accomplish what they aim to accomplish.

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