<h1 style="text-align: center; line-height: 100%; font-size: 250%;"> <strong style="color: #002e6d;">Preflight</strong> Checklist </h1>
<h2 style="color: #c24d00;"> "Preflighting" </h2> <p> Preflighting refers to the process of checking and verifying all aspects of a print job are correct before releasing files to the printer. The following list doesn't necessarily check for everything for every type of job/application, but is a good guide for the majority of jobs. </p>
<ul style="padding-left: 30px;"> <li>Is there 1/8" bleed on the outside edges of bleed areas? If sending a PDF, does the exported file include the bleed?</li> <p></p> <li>Are all the font files stuffed/zipped and sent with the original files? If submitting a PDF, are all the fonts embedded?</li> <p></p> <li>Are all images high-resolution?</li> <p></p> <li>If sending original files, are all the images being submitted?</li> <p></p> <li>Are the pages all sent as single sheets and arranged in order?</li> <p></p> <li>Has all text been checked to ensure no text is cut off?</li> <p></p> <li>Are my documents the size I am expecting the finished product to be, accounting for bleed?</li> <p></p> <li>If my file will be enlarged or decreased in size, are they proportionate to the size that the finished product needs to be?</li> <p></p> <li>Is the number of colors used correct? Spot colors? CMYK?</li> </ul>
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