According to the Success in Education Foundation, nearly 50% of school-aged Utah children aren’t reading at grade level by fourth grade.
The Foundation helps sponsor the Road to Success program as part of an overall campaign to improve reading levels for Utah students. Road to Success is a program implemented in elementary schools across Utah, focused on encouraging students to read every day. The program provides the tools for educators to help students and incentives to motivate students to read daily.

A note to Alexander’s from a student involved in the Road to Success program. See more notes on Pinterest.
Alexander’s is a proud continuing supporter of the Road to Success. This year we will continue our sponsorship of Rocky Mountain Elementary School by donating money to buy books and support the Road to Success program within the school.
Both the Success in Education Foundation and the Road to Success program have a real impact on reading levels in schools where it’s implemented. In 2009, participating schools in the Jordan School District had a proficiency rating of 75.22% as opposed to non-participating schools that averaged 64.09% proficiency.
We encourage you to join us in supporting the Success in Education Foundation.
We believe it’s important for Utah students to succeed and see this as an opportunity to impact the lives and futures of young students throughout the state.