We’re currently doing some digital marketing for a client that implements sponsored updates. I’ve realized lately that quite a few of our clients are unaware of the power behind digital marketing. For me, marketing is like remodeling your home. Hiring an experienced contractor or builder might yield faster and better results, but it’s also extremely expensive. Your other option is to do some research and try out the DIY approach. It all depends on how much you want to spend and what you want the outcome to be.

We’ve found that a lot of small to mid-sized businesses don’t have the funds to dedicate to full-fledged marketing efforts. The good news is, there are a few digital marketing techniques anyone can perform on their own, one of which is utilizing sponsored updates. Take a look at 3 reasons you should utilize sponsored updates to help you fuel your own marketing efforts.

1. Targetting

So you have an offer, a news release or blog post that you want people to see and engage with. But you need the right people, and you don’t want to spend a fortune advertising to everyone, just to get a few people who might find the content relevant. Sponsored updates allow you to target that update and promote that post to a specified audience. This means those people seeing your update will consist only of those people within your key audience and target market.

2. Affordability

With sponsored updates you can set your own budget. Depending on the platform you’re using (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), you can select cost per click (CPC), or cost per impression (CPI) basis for your campaign. This means you could only pay for how many times people actually click on the sponsored post. This not only allows you to track how many people are engaging your content, but how much your campaign is costing you daily or weekly. You can then adjust your budget based off the data collected on the campaign.

3. Native Advertising

In many respects we have been trained to ignore online advertising, but sponsored updates and posts aren’t as intrusive on your audience’s screen. People are more likely to click on something that isn’t so blatantly trying to sell you something, and they’re certainly more likely to click on something that’s actually relevant to them.

If you’d like some help constructing, implementing or executing a marketing strategy, please contact us.



Alexander's is a full-service print and fulfillment and marketing communication firm in Lindon, Utah.

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