There’s a very cool product called MagneCote we can use with our HP Indigo presses to print magnetic postcards or signs for things like save-the-date announcements, birth announcements, party invitations, business cards and the like.

magnetic postcardsWe can print any full-color or black and white design on this special paper, apply UV coating, cut it (just like regular paper), then run it through a special magnetizer — and the end product is a lovely magnetic postcard.

You find this product popping up on all sorts of card and invitation websites.

We can help you design the postcards, then take care of production and ship them to you with accompanying envelopes for you to address and mail.

Whether you’re planning your kid’s birthday party, a bridal shower or wedding, or family reunion, these handy magnetic postcards may be just the thing to help your event stand out and be noticed by your family and friends.

The potential uses for these cards are endless:

Birth announcements
Christmas or holiday greetings
Business promotions
Home and appliance repair or warranty information

…the list goes on.

If you’d like an estimate for some magnetic postcards for any kind of business or personal need, please contact us.

Here are a few photos of the process.

magnetic postcards

magnetic postcards

magnetic postcards

magnetic postcards

magnetic postcards

magnetic postcards



Alexander's is a full-service print and fulfillment and marketing communication firm in Lindon, Utah.

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