You’ve heard it before—print is dead. You’ve also probably heard that younger generations only consume digital media, so you might want to abandon print advertising and direct mail altogether.

Those statements are broad generalizations. At Alexander’s we’ve built our marketing business on the backbone of print, and we can confirm that print is alive and well; it’s thriving. We’ve found that strategic use of print is in many ways, more effective than it was just a decade ago. In fact, marketing using print can be the best way to reach the millennial generation (people ages 16-34). Here’s why:

1. Print cuts through the clutter

Millennials spend more than an average of 100 hours online each week, which means they’re consuming lots of digital information. Print cuts through this digital noise because it’s substantial and errant from the daily routine of a millennial. We suggest using direct mail to reach your younger target audiences. Whether it’s postcards, catalogs, greeting cards, or well-designed mailers, we know how to get results through print.

2. Printed packaging impresses

Millennials are a visual generation. If you don’t deliver your product in impressive packaging, your product probably won’t have the impact you want. We view printed packaging as the ideal opportunity to send a brand message to accompany your product. Is your company hip, modern and sleek? Do you want people to view you as adventurous, innovative and daring? Whatever you want your product to say, you’d better let your packaging do the talking. Good design, creative construction, and quality printing all contribute to good packaging and good effective marketing.

3. Print and digital media integrate perfectly

In today’s cluttered world, any marketer would be naive to think that they could reach someone effectively using only one medium. At Alexander’s we believe that print and digital create the perfect marketing mix to reach younger generations (and all generations, really). People want to see that you’re online, that you understand how to keep up with technology, but substantial printed pieces make an impact that digital advertising or media just can’t. To read more about integrating print and digital marketing tactics, click here.

If you’re looking for effective ways to integrate print into your marketing mix, contact us. We’re confident we can help your next marketing campaign be your most successful.



Alexander's is a full-service print and fulfillment and marketing communication firm in Lindon, Utah.